Team members on recent projects include:
Maple Syrup, Climate Change and Resilience: A Longitudinal Study:
- Laura Brown
- Annette Chretien
- Aaron Goodman
- Bryce Gunson
- Deborah McGregor
- Verna McGregor
- David Morris
- Charles Restoule
- Brenda Murphy
Enhancing Ontario’s Rural Infrastructure Preparedness: Inter-Community Service Sharing in a Changing Climate
- Bryce Gunson
- Patricia Martel
- Cohen Langerak
- Bruce Kerr
- Thomas Barakat
- Jessica Schmidt
- Marg Verbeek
- Cathy Cyr
- Lynda Rotteau
- Helen Collins
- Emily Boylan
- Annette Chretien
- Patricia McLaren
- Nick Ruder
- Brenda Murphy
Ontario Rural Municipal Emergency Management and Critical Infrastructure: Enhancing Planning and
Preparedness Capacities for Climate Change Resilience:
- Laura Brown
- Annette Chretien
- Helen Collins
- Robin Cox
- Cathy Cyr
- Laurel Davis
- Patricia Martel
- Lynda Rotteau
- Nicholas Ruder
- Alicia Sliwinski
- Erik Sparling
- Marg Verbeek
- Bryce Gunson
- Brenda Murphy
Measuring Progress on Climate Change Adaptation: Lessons from the Community Well-Being Analogue:
- Pam Kertland
- Willow Minaker
- Jenny Fraser
- Brenda Murphy
- Bryce Gunson
Climate Change SOS: Save Our Syrup!
- Jennifer Baltzer
- Brenna Bartley
- Bryce Gunson
- David Morris
- Brenda Murphy
Current Grad Students:
- Kendra Serbinski
- Abdu Tammar
- Murtaza Khan
- Bryce Gunson
- Patricia Martel
Past Grad Students:
- Kylie Hissa
- Samantha Russo
- Debbie Pine
- Hayley Moody
- Kaitlyn McGlade
- Ryan Huron
- Kaitlin Richardson
- Grant Morin